Mindset For Winning Baseball Players

  THOUGHTS:  The average person has 2k thoughts a day and over 60% of those thoughts are negative however world class athletes have roughly 1k thoughts a day and over 60% of those thoughts are positive. What you think, is how you feel which in turn will be how...

‘GET ICED’- Bridge Training To Games!

Sports Performance Coach Rick Saggese encourages everyone to ‘GET ICED’   (March 12, 2022 – Naples, FL) Rick Saggese, owner and founder of TOTD Sports Performance, is encouraging everyone to consider the term GET ICED. His new campaign focuses on a healthier mental...

Upping Your Recovery Game with Physical Fitness

  If you’re struggling with an addiction to drugs or alcohol, you’re not alone. Millions of Americans deal with some form of addiction in their lifetime, and many of them struggle to get the help they need to get clean. If you’re in recovery, you’re already ahead...

Feet Is The Foundation Of All Movements

  Our feet are not only limbs to stand on but they provide a foundation for all of our body movements.   One of the most neglected parts of a humans body in my opinion is our feet, many people don’t give them TLC until they begin to “bark” at them. Here is some...