2018 Product Reviews: 1-8-18

To start off the year right,  I’ll highlight the top product reviews for 2018. Here they are: 1. Complete Sports Conditioning – This resource from Mike Boyle is top notch, and he does a great job of simplifying complex topics for up-and-coming strength and...

Get Healthy For The New Year: 1-1-18

Fitness and Health for the New Year Life is dull without health. Importance of maintaining a healthy weight cannot be denied. Everyone wants to be in shape that is ideal. And, why not? After all, only a healthy body can help you to stay active and fit. Healthy eating...

Great e-book For All Athletes

Why Some Players Exceed & Others Don’t is a direct guide to help players maximize their ability.  Rick Saggese, one of the most sought after baseball/softball mentor and performance coach shares his secrets to help you achieve the most success in any sport...

Great e-book For All Coaches

Why Some Coaches Exceed & Others Don’t is a direct guide to help coaches connect with their players. Rick Saggese, one of the most sought after baseball/softball mentor and performance coach shares his secrets to help you achieve the most success in any...