Improve Your Bone Health: 7-12-18

As we age it’s normal to see our bone density diminish. This creates a higher probability for fractures and other bone related issues so keeping our bone density is important. Here are some tips to help with bone health: 1. add weight bearing exercises to your...

Prevent Blood Sugar Surges: 5-2-18

Top Tips For Preventing Blood Sugar Surges If you have blood glucose problems or type 2 diabetes, big swings in your blood sugar can make you feel miserable and can put you at risk for a number of serious health issues in the long term. But by adjusting certain...

Great Reading From Around The Net: 4-24-18

I hope you’re having a great week. Here’s a new installment of recommended reading and listening from around the ‘net. Pat Davidson on Coaching, Cuing, and Creating Savages – Pat Davidson never disappoints – and this podcast with Mike...

Healthy Sleep Without Nightmares: 3-12-18

Blackout: we will tell you how useful darkness is and why you need to sleep without light. Sleep in the dark is a reliable protection against cancer, support of immunity and preservation of youth. In this article we will tell you why it is very useful to sleep in the...

Strength and Conditioning Stuff You Should Read: 1-29-18

I hope your week is off to a great start.  Here are some recommended reads! 10 Nuggets, Tips, and Tricks on Energy Systems Development – Mike Robertson hit a bunch of nails on the head with this excellent article. When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing...