
Virtual/Online Training (Skill Set/1)

5.00 out of 5 based on 4 customer ratings


Virtual training “skill set” is for the player that resides outside the area or an athlete that can’t get a session locally due to our limited spots available. If you have trained in person with Rick these compliment those sessions to keep the momentum going if you have not another set of eyes many times make a world of difference. The player will send video thru text with ONE baseball/softball skill (ex: hitting, throwing, fielding, pitching, base running, running form, defensive play, etc) that he/she wants evaluated.  With this submission, the player needs to include a short description of what they are looking to specifically improve on.  This will help us really concentrate on providing drills that target that specific goal.  Upon completion of the evaluation process, the player will receive their video voice over evaluation.  As an added benefit each player will receive a video depicting the drills you need to do to conquer your weakness all within 72 hours from purchase.

*We also offer hitting/pitching comparisons in some instances as needed to some of today’s past and present MLB hitters and pitchers.


Video Tips: Film on your smartphone in the HD setting & position phone horizontally to frame the player to fit the screen from top to bottom

Online training made easy…

  1. purchase
  2. capture video (see tips above)
  1. send video via text (see phone info on home page)
  2. within 72 hours you will receive your evaluation with drills to fix issues that is observed