What Should You Look For In a Trainer?

  LISTEN TO THE EPISODE ABOVE! (30 minutes) Podcast w/ NY Times Best Seller Author Bryan Einsberg “Be Like Amazon” What makes Think Outside The Diamond Sports Performance (TOTDSP) different?  What  should you look for when hiring a trainer? Listen to...

‘GET ICED’- Bridge Training To Games!

Sports Performance Coach Rick Saggese encourages everyone to ‘GET ICED’   (March 12, 2022 – Naples, FL) Rick Saggese, owner and founder of TOTD Sports Performance, is encouraging everyone to consider the term GET ICED. His new campaign focuses on a healthier mental...

Why Training For Sports Performance Needs To Be Personal

Performance goals can range from regaining the strength to pick up your grandchild, to running your first marathon, to competing for an Olympic gold medal. The size of the stage you are performing on can vary, but the feeling of accomplishment remains the same. We...

5 Strategies That Will Lead to Self-Improvement

Photo Credit: Boxed Water is Better via Unsplash Are you wondering if there is room for improvement when it comes to your life and circumstances? When your job is no longer satisfying, and you feel stuck in a rut, it’s time to take stock and see how you can bring back...